My Space-Brothers (Ep 358 - Star Trek DS9/David)

My guest this week has some catching up to do. David is a writer who grew up in a religious family, and until his early 30s was closeted and struggled through ex-gay treatments until he finally came out. Helping him to make the adjustment: Star Trek, where he came to realize he’d picked up more of his sense of right and wrong than from the church. After cutting ties with his old life, he sold almost everything he owned for a one-way bus ticket to LA, where a couple of lucky breaks kept him from living on the street and got him into the industry he’d always dreamed of joining.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First a big thanks to everyone who supports the Sewers of Paris at And to everyone who’s left a review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen.

Also don’t forget to check out my YouTube where I post videos about queer pop culture history — I’ve got a new one all about The Paul Lynde Halloween Special. And you can also head over to my Patreon to watch hours of bonus videos featuring stories of queer TV and film history.

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